To plant Christ-centred, Spirit Empowered and socially responsible churches and campus ministries in the key educational, cultural and business centres in Africa, Europe and beyond, we need high-capacity leaders. The Ministry Internship exists as a starting point in identifying and equipping leaders for effective ministry. Using a multi-channel approach including classroom, cultural experiences while actively ministering and building in your local ministry context helps to build theologically sound but practically equipped leaders.
Ministry Internship is a 2-year program that tests and builds your call to vocational ministry as well as your leadership capacity. The course is completed in your local church context, but in the nations as part of our Explore Every Nation initiative, if you would so choose. It is designed to serve people and the local church for future vocational ministry, empowering leaders in all fundamental areas of ministry. The core curriculum is divided into four areas: Leadership, Ministry Experience, Academics and Discipleship.
Churches who raise interns through this program can be confident that each student will be comprehensively equipped. There is significant input through; L215, book readings, practical ministry, mentorship, discipleship and missions.