In South Africa, there are an estimated 3,7 million orphans and 3500 babies are abandoned annually – with no hope of experiencing the love of their heavenly Father. The need is big, but we know an even bigger God who loves to redeem the most broken. As a socially responsible church, we as Every Nation Tshwane believe that God has given the mandate of “caring for the orphan” to His church, to every believer.
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” James 1:27
We have affiliated with African Havens (Every Nation Johannesburg), drawing on their experience of more than 30 years, to establish Havens in Tshwane.
The Every Nation Tshwane Baby Haven wants to be the hands of Christ to touch, to heal and to bring wholeness to vulnerable children by providing a loving home and discipleship in the word, the presence and the power of God. We want to see children return to the joy of childhood. We want to be a beautiful part of the answer to Africa’s orphan crisis.