We exist to honour God by establishing Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered and socially responsible churches and campus ministries in every nation.
We believe that God is calling us to be a socially responsible church on personal, congregational and citywide levels.


Temporary Place of Safety for Abandoned Babies

A temporary place of safety for abandoned babies is a specialized short-term care facility that provides 24/7 support and care for newborns and young infants who have been abandoned, orphaned, or surrendered by their parents. We currently have 6 babies in our care, we are excited and expectant to see these little ones grow and see God's purpose for their lives unfold. We also have 8 loving staff ladies who work in 12 hour shifts day and night, we are thankful for a team of people loving and raising our babies together. Our house also consists of volunteers and visitors who spend their time with us, as it truly takes a village to raise children. “God’s heart beats for the vulnerable, and so should ours. The Bible commands us to care for the orphan, the widow, and the foreigner (Deuteronomy 10:19, Psalm 68:5-6, James 1:27). We are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus, to love and serve the least of these (Matthew 25:31-46). Let us open our arms, our hearts, and our homes to the orphan, the abandoned, and the marginalized. Let us be the safe haven, the loving embrace, and the hope-filled future they deserve. For in caring for the vulnerable, we are not only obeying God’s command but also reflecting the very character of our loving Father in Heaven.”

You make a difference by applying to become a place of safety as an individual or a family and make a difference one child at a time. If you would like to know how to get involved at our place of safety or how to become one yourself, please email us at

Tswalo House Baby Haven

Tswalo house is a temporary place of safety for abandoned babies, which is a specialized short-term care facility that provides 24/7 support and care for newborns and young infants who have been abandoned, orphaned or surrendered by their parents.

We currently have 6 babies in our care. We are excited and expectant to see these little ones grow and see God's purpose for their lives unfold. We also have 8 loving staff ladies who work in 12 hour shifts day and night. and we are thankful for a team of people loving and raising our babies together.
Our house also consists of volunteers and visitors who spend their time with us, as it truly takes a village to raise children.

How to get Involved


Visitors are welcome to tour our premises, meet our staff and residents, and gain a deeper understanding of our mission and operations. You are welcome to visit us per arrangement and at specific times and days. We can guarantee that you will enjoy your visit and therefore if you would like to come regularly and serve in a greater capacity, please refer to our volunteer post.
If you wish to visit, please send an email to


Our volunteers are a vital part of our community, providing emotional support, playtime, and attention to our babies, helping them feel seen, heard, and loved. They may assist with feeding, cuddling, and soothing the babies, and often form special bonds with them. By volunteering with us, they are helping to create a nurturing environment that fosters the physical, emotional, and social development of our babies, and we are grateful for their presence and support.

We invite you to join our team of dedicated volunteers who are passionate about providing a safe and loving environment for our babies to thrive. Whether you can spare a few hours a week or a few days a month, your time and talent will make a real difference in the lives of our little ones. 
Together, let’s create a haven of hope and love for our precious babies and toddlers. Contact us to learn more about serving at our place of safety:


Donors at our Place of Safety is someone who desires to make a positive impact on the lives of vulnerable babies and toddlers by providing financial support, buying, and gathering essential baby and house products and other necessities to our place of safety. Through donations, they are helping to provide essential care, resources, and love to these precious children, ensuring they receive the best possible start in life. Their contribution is a vital investment in the future of our young ones, and we are grateful for their kindness and commitment. 

There are 3 types of donations:
| Continual Needs
Anything from milk, nappies, creams, bath soaps, and wet wipes

We also have a Dischem Account where you can donate financially to ensure that we cover our babies with medication and other specific needs. 

If you are part of a school or organization that would like to partner with us as a fundraiser event of gathering of items, please don't hesitate to contact us at

|  Once-off Donations
Anything like containers, toys, a play mat, feeding chairs, and a microwave.

|  Financial Contributions and Company Investments
You can email us at for our banking details to make once-off or continual payments to our haven. We also have a Dischem Account where you can donate financially to ensure that we cover our babies with medication and other specific needs. 
You can also apply for an 18A CERTIFICATE: Tswalo House African Havens is a Public Benefit Organization (PBO) approved in terms of section 18A of the Income Tax Act. Email us at

Contact Person: 
Susan du Toit  082 650 6367


Through our congregations we have been involved in initiating and supporting many community projects and social responsibility initiatives since 2010.
We have endeavoured to mobilise volunteers, raise funds locally, supply training and resources, and through these engagements we have been able to support existing initiatives as well as starting new initiatives.

Congregational Projects


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Dandelei Community Choir

Dandelei Community Choir was established in May 2023. We dream of seeing people from various walks of life and socio-economic circumstances coming together to sing, and in the process, by giving of oneself through singing, finding community and hope.

The word Dandelei is a combination of the words dandelion and leirmotif. Leitmotif is a musical term that refers to a recurring theme throughout a musical composition. This choir's leitmotif is hope, and like a dandelion's seed that spreads far and wide when the wind blows on it, we trust that God's message of hope will spread far and wide through our voices.

Anyone is welcome to join our choir. We are situated in Elardus Park. Time: Mondays 18:00-19:30. Rehearsal venue: NG Kerk Elarduspark


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Just Home

Just Home is a foster home founded by Anne Freeke in Kloofsig, Centurion. The vision of Just Home is to create a family environment of belonging for girls that had to be legally removed from their parental homes. With a place to call home these girls can grow into confident, healthy adults. Anne is also a big proponent for foster care and it is her passion to inspire more families to open their hearts and homes to act as foster or adoptive parents.


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Peas in a pod

Peas in a Pod is a Place of Safety and a Child and Your Care Center in the inner city of Pretoria, focusing on the rehabilitation of abused girls. There are currently 8 girls who go to special schools, of which one also has a physical handicap. Our girls range from 8 to 16 years. Peas in a pod has a holistic approach, using an individual development plan that encompasses occupational therapy, psychological assessments and therapy, special needs education, tutoring, counselling, and Christian spiritual care and development.

Buddy boxes

The Buddy box and the Grocery Bag projects were initiated in 2017 by a group of students in Every Nation Hatfield church. The project aims to provide toiletries and groceries to the students at the University of Pretoria who are in need. Secondly, the project proposes to help mobilise the people in the local church to be more vigilant towards people struggling within their sphere of influence.


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Echo Youth Development

As part of our Social Responsibility ministry, we at Every Nation Moot support the ECHO youth development program, which serves vulnerable high school youth and young adults as part of a group of foster homes. Our focus is relationship building and discipleship. Sharing our love for sports and fellowship, we play volleyball together and connect in informal ways.

You can get involved by joining us for volleyball once a month and spend time together. If you are looking for ways to connect with young adults and high schoolers but are not good at sports, you are still welcome to join. We always appreciate extra hands and people who will connect with the students.


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Precious Blessings

Precious Blessings is a Place of Safety headed by George and Heidi Versfeld in The Willows, Pretoria. Along with their three biological daughters (Ellen, Marina and Yvonne) they care for their two adopted sons, three foster children and, at any given time, around ten abandoned children and babies. They believe that every child is a precious blessing and that you can transform a child’s future, no matter what circumstances they were born in, by giving them individual attention and care.

You can get involved by joining our prayer warriors or by volunteering to help with baby stimulation and bath times. We also have a meal team that cooks meals for the home in times where it is needed.

Project Tshepo

Is a project started by Every Nation Willows in Nellmapius, Mamelodi. The vision of this project is to invest in and raise young leaders in this community to become Jesus loving adults with a vision and hope for their future and the future of their community. We get together once a week with the kids and help them with homework and academics. We also have weekly discipleship groups and we have lots of fun together with the kids.

You can get involved by joining us for our weekly programs or for some of our other events throughout the year.

Lerato House

Lerato House is a House of Safety in Muckleneuk, Pretoria. It currently houses 11 girls but differs from time to time. The vision of Lerato house is to ensure that young girls are restored and empowered to take their place in society, or within their families.

Willows has been engaging with Lerato house by building relationships with the House Mother and the young ladies living there. We are hosting different events every month to encourage some of the following aspects. See the girls grow in their relationship with God and become part of Spiritual Family and community, grow in their own confidence and identity, guide the ladies through mentorship that will support them in the decisions they need to make now concerning all aspects of live & seeing these young ladies live in dignity, enjoying live and living in freedom!

Buddy Boxes

The Buddy box and the Grocery Bag projects were initiated in 2017 by a group of students in Every Nation Hatfield church. The project aims to provide toiletries and groceries to the students at the University of Pretoria who are in need. Secondly, the project proposes to help mobilise the people in the local church to be more vigilant towards people struggling within their sphere of influence.


We believe each disciple of Jesus has a Biblical calling to care for the widow, the orphan, the poor, the foreigner and the oppressed in their personal capacity.

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