
Our Leaders

Retief and Isabella Burger are happily married with three beautiful children. They have a passion for Jesus and to see his Kingdom come in the Elarduspark area. Retief has been in full time vocational ministry for nearly 30 years and loves making disciples, raising leaders and leading worship.

He previously lead the Every Nation Tshwane – Lynnwood congregation for seven years before leading the church plant to Elarduspark since 2020. He also functions as the Executive leader of the City Wide church.

Isabel is a full-time occupational therapist who specializes in hand injuries. She is passionate about discipleship and seeing women become all God has called them to be. Together with a phenomenal eldership and staff team, they lead the congregation.

About Us

Welcome to Every Nation Tshwane - Elarduspark!
Welcome HOME!
We are part of a global family of Churches that makes disciples, raises leaders, and plant churches and campus ministries in every nation.

Planted during lockdown 2020, the Elarduspark congregation grew from a mere 41 congregants to close to 200 active members with more than 90 Connect Groups where we make disciples and raise leaders. We have kids and youth ministry during our worship services and we love coffee and fellowship before and after the service. We are actively involved in our community where we minister to all we may meet. We have a good mix of young and old and we absolutely love our family! Christ is at the centre of all we do as we reach our community and serve our people.

Our Elders

Elders act as Christ’s overseers, God’s household managers (Titus 1:7), has been given delegated authority to govern, preach, teach, feed and equip the local church for works of service. The lead elder is to lead and care for the appointed elders and to raise new elders. The eldership team as a whole is to lead and care for the core leaders and local church through biblical governance. The leadership of the elders is to be exercised in a way that models Christ-like, humble, servant hearted and loving leadership.
Matt & Nadine Norel
Jacques & Sandri du Plessis
Retief & Isabella Burger
Shane & Jessica Turner

 Pillar & Generational Leaders

Retief Burger
Discipleship Pillar Leader
Maronél le Roux 
Administration Pillar Leader
Ewan Oberholzer
Executive Leader
Christi Lategan
Worship Service & iServe Pillar Leader, Discipleship & Pastoral Administrator
Wesley Britz
City-Wide Campus & Young Adults Leader
Liezel Fuchs
Kids Ministry Leader